
PHP Could not convert the script from the detected encoding "UTF-32BE"

大郎 发表于 2017-11-30 01:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
PHP Fatal error:  Could not convert the script from the detected encoding "UTF-32BE" to a compatible encoding in Unknown on line 0
经过无数次的摸索和搜索,最终发现有可能是php.ini里面的zend.multibyte导致了这个问题,该配置项默认是关闭的,设置为On打开它可以支持SJIS, BIG5等编码方式,使用这类编码存储的PHP文件有可能无法被PHP正确识别解析,通过declare(encoding='***')设置编码即可使用指定的编码方式解析PHP脚本,如果zend.multibyte被关闭,使用了SJIS等编码的PHP脚本可能无法正常解析,导致源文件原样输出,或者导致declare(encoding='***')被PHP解析器忽略,并且触发warning级别错误:Warning: declare(encoding=...) ignored because Zend multibyte feature is turned off by settings in path\to\file.php on line 2.
关于zend.multibyte php手册文件中有如下说明。
zend.multibyte enables parsing of source files in multibyte encodings. Enabling zend.multibyte is required to use character encodings like SJIS, BIG5, etc that contain special characters in multibyte string data. ISO-8859-1 compatible encodings like UTF-8, EUC, etc do not require this option. Enabling zend.multibyte requires the mbstring extension to be available.
一个有意思的问题:如果文件编码是GBK,以下PHP代码运行将报错Parse error: in path\to\file.php on line 2
  1. <?php
  2.         echo('洪仁玕');
  3. ?>
如果把单引号换成双引号会报错Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting variable (T_VARIABLE) or ${ (T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES) or {$ (T_CURLY_OPEN) in path\to\file.php on line 3
  1. <?php
  2.         echo("洪仁玕");
  3. ?>
  1. <?php
  2.         declare(encoding='cp936');
  3.         echo("洪仁玕");
  4. ?>
declare(encoding='***')必须是第一句PHP脚本中的第一句有效代码,否则会报错Fatal error: Encoding declaration pragma must be the very first statement in the script in path\to\file.php on line 3.


GMT+8, 2025-3-13 22:18

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